Perennials & Biennials

Showing 105–112 of 511 results

  • Centaurea atropurpurea Red knapweed Z 5-9

    Ruby-red to merlot, soft thistle-like blooms June-August




    Centaurea atropurpurea   Red knapweed  Z 5-9
    Ruby-red to merlot, soft thistle-like blooms June-August, repeating if deadheaded, atop silvery, deep cut foliage, rare.

    Size: 4’ x 2’
    Care: sun in moist well-drained to well-drained soil
    Native: meadows of Carpathian mountains
    Wildlife Value: Deer resistant

    Centaurea named for the Centaur, half-horse and half-man who was a mythical healer. Red knapweed described by French entomologist Guillaume Antoine Olivier (1756-1814).

  • Centaurea dealbata Persian cornflower Z 3-8

    Rosy dome shaped blossoms with fringed petals May-June, deadhead for rebloom



    Rosy dome shaped blossoms with fringed petals May-June, deadhead for rebloom

    Size: 2-3' x 2'
    Care: sun in moist well-drained soil
    Native: Caucasus
    Wildlife Value: attracts butterflies

    Named for the Centaur, half-horse and half-man who was a mythical famous healer. This species collected before 1803.

  • Centaurea macrocephala Armenian basketflower Z 3-9

    Bold cheerful yellow flower head



    Picture a Canada thistle at its peak -this looks like a magnificent, cheerful yellow version – but it’s not a thistle.  Blooms July-August

    Can not ship to: Maryland and Washington

    Size: 3-4' x 18-24"
    Care: sun in well-drained to moist well-drained soil
    Native: Caucasus

    Centaurea is named after the Greek mythological figure a Centaur named Chiron, half-horse, half-man. Macrocephala means “big-head” referring to the big flowers. McMahon sent this to Jefferson in 1812.

  • Centaurea montana Mountain bluet, Blue bottle, Bachelor’s button Z 3-8

    True blue, with a touch of pink near the center, spidery flowerheads in May-June and sporadically thereafter or all summer if you deadhead.



    True blue, with a touch of pink near the center, spidery flowerheads in May-June and sporatically thereafter or all summer if you deadhead.

    Size: 18" x 24"
    Care: Sun - part shade, moist well-drained soil.
    Native: Mountains of Europe

    Centaurea is named after the Greek mythological figure, a Centaur named Chiron, half-horse, half-man. Ovid claimed that the plant cured a wound in Chiron’s foot from an arrow hurled by Hercules. Introduced from the Pyrenees and grown in English cottage gardens since the 1500’s.

  • Centaurium scilloides Carpet tulip, Perennial centaury Z 5-9

    Sweetest plant ever - tiny pink tulip-like flowers in constant bloom mid-summer to frost, close at night and open in daytime




    Sweetest plant ever – tiny pink tulip-like flowers in constant bloom mid-summer to frost, close at night and open in daytime

    Size: 2” x 4”
    Care: sun to part shade in moist to moist well-drained soil
    Native: Atlantic Ocean coasts of Europe, Azores

    Named by Carl Linnaeas the Younger in the supplement to his father’s legendary book Species Plantarum, 1782

  • Cerastium biebersteinii Mouse ear Z 4-7

    White felt-like foliage, covered with white flowers



    White felt-like foliage, covered with white flowers in spring.  Makes a wonderful groundcover.

    Size: 6" x spreading
    Care: Sun in well-drained soil
    Native: Tauria

    Cerastium is from the Greek keras meaning horn because of the shape of the seed capsule. Six inch tall, spreading, small chalky-velvet leaves. Rarely offered but should be. Used as a groundcover for its frosted, felt-like foliage under tropical plants in Victorian gardens. American gardens since 1860.

  • Chaenorhinum glareosum Dwarf snapdragon Z 5-9

    Rare plant. Spires of tiny purple to blue trumpets with yellow throats spring, summer & fall. Love this itsy plant.



    Rare plant. Spires of tiny purple to blue trumpets with yellow throats spring, summer & fall. Love this itsy plant.

    Size: 4” x 9-12” semi-trailing cushion
    Care: sun to part shade in well-drained soil
    Native: Spain
    Wildlife Value: Attracts bees, butterflies and birds.

    1st described in 1838. Chaenorhinum means “honey lotus” in Greek.

  • Chelone glabra White turtlehead Z 3-8

    Spikes of pink over-tones on white, two-lipped, turtlehead shaped blooms in fall



    Spikes of pink over-tones on white, two-lipped, turtlehead shaped blooms in fall

    Size: 2-3’ x 12”
    Care: sun to part shade in moist to moist well-drained soil, tolerates clay.
    Native: eastern North America incl Wisconsin
    Wildlife Value: Pollen for bumblebees. Breeding site for Baltimore Checkerspot butterflies. Deer resistant.

    The name Chelone originated with French colonial settlers in Nova Scotia before 1700.  They called this “La Tortue,” meaning “turtle” in French. The word chelone is Greek for tortoise. A tea brewed from the leaves was said to increase the appetite.