
Showing 25–32 of 180 results

  • Butterfly Garden for sun

    Butterfly Garden for sun



    Note: This is a collection not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Butterfly Garden for Sun                                          Size : Height x width*          Bloom color
    3 Agastache foeniculum – Anise hyssop                                          2-3’ x 12”                            purple
    1 Asclepias incarnata – Swamp milkweed                                       3’-4’ x  2-3’                         pink
    1 Aster novae angliae – New England aster                                    3-4’ x  24”                           pink or purple
    3 Chasmanthium latifolium                                                              36” x 24”                             green
    1 Liatris spicata – Blazing star                                                           2-3’ x 18”                            purple
    1 Lobelia siphilitica – Cardinal flower                                            3’ x 12”                                 blue
    1 Phlox paniculata – Garden phlox                                                 4’ x 2’ spreading                magenta
    1 Monarda fistulosa – Beebalm                                                         3-4’  x 2’                              purple
    3 Rudbeckia fulgida – Black-eyed susan                                         30”x 18”                             yellow
    1 Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’                                                                        30” x 12”                            pink
    3 Verbena bonariensis  (reseeding annual)                                   3-4’ x 6”                             purple
    3 Zizia aurea – Golden alexander                                                      30″x 24″                            yellow

    All plants are perennials except Verbena bonariensis which is an annual that reseeds.
    If planted together in one garden these make a 31 square foot garden.
    *Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding .
    22 plants for $201.28.  Would be $236.80 if purchased separately. You save $35.52.
    If you plan on coming to the Nursery to purchase this collection, please give us at least 24 hours notice to prepare the collection for you.

  • Camassia quamash Wild Hyacinth, Leichtlin’s Camass Z 4-8

    Mid-spring spikes of 2” tall, 6 petaled, blue, star-shaped flowers, set off with yellow anthers, rise over grass-like foliage, then die-back in summer, ephemeral.




    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Mid-spring spikes of 2” tall, 6 petaled, blue, star-shaped flowers, set off with yellow anthers, rise over grass-like foliage, then die-back in summer, ephemeral.

    Size: 12-20” x 12"
    Care: sun to part shade in moist soil
    Native: Pacific Northwest
    Wildlife Value: Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Deer & rabbit resistant

    These roots made an important food crop for First Americans. Every fall Nez Perce families went to the Weippe prairie, near present-day Moscoe Idaho, to collect this for winter food. Plots were handed down from prior generations to dig the roots. Women were in charge and dug the roots. When the starving Corps of Discovery crossed the mountains, Nez Perce generously gave them cake made with Camassia.  The change in diet made them sick. Lewis & Clark first documented this plant near the Nez Perce village west of the Cascade Mountains. The party nicknamed Weippe Prairie “quawmash flatts.” They also discovered that, if fermented, Camassia made tolerable beer.  One hundred years later English garden-designer Gertrude Jekyll recommended these flowers for flower gardens.

  • Campanula collina Dark blue bellflower Z. 5-8

    In summer dark blue-purple bells on upright stems on clumps of this bellflower.



    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    In summer dark blue-purple bells on upright stems on clumps of this bellflower.

    Size: 6-12” x 8”
    Care: sun to part shade in well-drained to moist well-drained
    Native: western Asia, Turkey, Caucasus Mountains

    Campanula is Latin meaning “little bell.” Collina means “on hills.” Collected before 1826.

  • Campanula ochroleuca Bellflower Z 4-7

    Ivory, rocket-shaped buds open to bell-like blossoms covered with fine hairs with five, flared petal-ends surrounding ivory stamens and pistil along erect to arching stems. Blooms June-July on slow-spreading, clump-forming rosettes of hairy, heart-shaped or  triangular leaves.




    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Ivory, rocket-shaped buds open to bell-like blossoms covered with fine hairs with five, flared petal-ends surrounding ivory stamens and pistil along erect to arching stems. Blooms June-July on slow-spreading, clump-forming rosettes of hairy, heart-shaped or triangular leaves.

    Size: 12-18” x 12-15”
    Care: sun to part shade in moist well-drained to well-drained soil
    Native: Caucasus
    Wildlife Value: provides pollen to bees and butterflies, rabbit resistant

    First described in a published document in 1949.

  • Campanula punctata var. rubriflora Z 4-9

    Dangling rosy purple bells hide their red spots inside the petals




    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Dangling rosy purple bells hide their red spots inside the petals – early summer

    Size: 12”x16” & spreading
    Care: Sun to part shade in moist well-drained soil
    Native: Japan
    Awards: Top rated for ornamental traits and landscape performance by the Chicago Botanic Garden.

    Campanula is Latin meaning little bell. Punctata means spotted. In 1629 Parkinson described campanulas as “cherished for the beautie of their flowers.”  This variety collected in Japan before 1950.

  • Caragana rosea Pink peashrub Z 3-8

    Rose-pink , pea like flowers May-June on prior years wood. Flowers give way to slender yellowish-green seed pods that mature to brown in late summer. Yellowish fall color.




    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Rose-pink , pea like flowers May-June on prior years wood. Flowers give way to slender yellowish-green seed pods that mature to brown in late summer. Yellowish fall color.

    Size: 3-4’ x 3-4’
    Care: full sun to light shade in dry to medium, well-drained soil. Perfom well in areas with hot summers and cold winters.
    Native: Slopes and valleys in central and NE China, Japan and Russia
    Wildlife Value: Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Deer resistant

    Plants are considered to be xerophilous (capable of thriving in dry, hot locations). Described by Nicolai Stepanowitsch Turczaninow in Primitiae Florae Amurensis 470. 1859

  • Carex davalliana Bath’s sedge, Davall’s sedge Z 4-8

    Short hedge-hog like clump with white flowers



    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Short hedge-hog like clump with white flowers turning to bronzy spiked seedheads May-June. Best for rock, railroad or fairy gardens – anyplace for a miniature, clumping grass.

    Size: 6” x 12”
    Care: sun to light shade in moist soil
    Native: wet places in Europe and western No. America

    Collected before 1798 by Edmund Davall who botanized in Switzerland.

  • Carex montana Soft-leaved Sedge Z 4-10

    Soft mounding grass with small brown flower spikes March-April




    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Soft mounding grass with small brown flower spikes March-April

    Size: 10” X 10”
    Care: Part sun to shade in well-drained soil
    Native: Europe, Caucasas, West Siberia

    Linnaeus 1753