
Showing 153–160 of 180 results

  • Shade Garden

    Shade Garden.



    Note: This collection is not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Shade Garden                                                            Size : Height x width*          Bloom color
    3 Asarum canadense – Wild ginger                                           6” x 6” spreading                 brown
    3 Astilbe chinensis                                                                         24” x 24”                                pink
    1 Brunnera macrophyllum – Siberian bugloss                         18″ x 24″                                blue
    1 Chelone glabra – Turtlehead                                                     2-4’ x 12”                               white
    1 Disporum flavens – Fairy bells                                                25-30” x 16-20”                   yellow
    3 Dodecatheon meadia – Shooting star                                     12-24” x 6-12”                      white
    1 Hosta ‘Blue Cadet’                                                                       35-40” x 36”                        lavender
    1 Primula veris – Cowslip                                                              8”x 8”                                    yellow
    3 Stylophorum diphyllum – Celantine poppy                           12-18” x 12”                          yellow
    1 Tricyrtis hirta – Toadlily                                                             2-3’ x 2’                                white & purple

    All plants are perennials.
    If planted together in one garden these make a 30 square foot garden. **Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding .
    18 plants for $158.14.  Would be $186.05 if purchased separately.  You save $27.90.
    If you plan on coming to the Nursery to purchase this collection, please give us at least 24 hours notice to prepare the collection for you.

  • Silene alpestris Alpine catchfly Z. 5-8

    It flowers in May (through August) the flowers being of a polished whiteness



    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    “It flowers in May (through August) the flowers being of a polished whiteness, with the petals notched, and abundantly produced over the shining green masses of leaves.” Robinson 1903

    Size: 4-6” x 8-12"
    Care: full sun in well-drained soil
    Native: European Alps

    Collected in Austria by 1773

  • Silene caroliniana Wild Pink, Carolina campion, Sticky catchfly Z 4-8

    In spring loose clusters of rose-pink flowers with five spreading wedge-shaped petals




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    In spring loose clusters of rose-pink flowers with five spreading wedge-shaped petals

    Size: 12” x12”
    Care: sun to part shade in well-drained soil
    Native: eastern and central North America
    Wildlife Value: attracts Bees and Butterflies

    Named and described by Thomas Walter, 1788.

  • Silene suecica syn. Lychnis alpina Arctic campion Z 4-8

    Rosy racemes May- June emerge from a mound of grass-like leaves



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    Rosy racemes May- June emerge from a mound of grass-like leaves.  Short-lived but reseeds.

    Size: 5” x 6”
    Care: Sun to part shade in moist well-drained soil
    Native: Northern Asia & Europe

    Lychnis named by Theophrastus in the 3rd century B.C. for “lamp” (lychnos) due to using the leaves of Lychnis coronaria for lamp wicks, but some say due to the flame-colored flowers.  Collected by moss expert George Don at Meikle Kilrannoch, Scotland in 1795.   May 6, 1876 “The Garden” described its flowers as “forming bright rosy patches…”

  • Silene virginica Fire pink Z 4-8 Short-lived perennial, 2-3 years

    Real red, hence the name Fire (not pink in color), flowers of five notched petals flaring out from a tube, blooms late spring and early summer. Named “pink” because it is botanically in the family known as Pinks, Dianthus.



    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Real red, hence the name Fire (not pink in color), flowers of five notched petals flaring out from a tube, blooms late spring and early summer. Named “pink” because it is botanically in the family known as Pinks, Dianthus.

    Size: 12-18” x 9-18”
    Care: part shade in moist well-drained to well-drained soil.
    Native: nearly entire eastern half of No. America. Endangered species in WI.
    Wildlife Value: attracts hummingbirds.

    1st collected by John Banister (1654-1692) Anglican minister who searched and found many plants in the Virginia colony, losing his life when he was accidentally shot along the Roanoke River while collecting plants.

  • Sisyrinchium albidum White blue-eyed grass Z 3-10

    White or pale blue star-shaped flowers with yellow centers blossom over short, grass-like foliage in late spring-early summer.




    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    White or pale blue star-shaped flowers with yellow centers blossom over short, grass-like foliage in late spring-early summer.

    Size: 18-24” x 6-12”
    Care: sun in moist well-drained soil
    Native: East coast from Maine to Florida and west as far as Wisconsin
    Wildlife Value: attracts bees & butterflies, Deer resistant.
    Size: Menominee kept this in their house or pocket to ward off snakes.

    Menominee kept this in their house or pocket to ward off snakes.   First published in 1832.

  • Sisyrinchium macrocarpum Argentinian blue-eyed grass Z 5-9

    In summer large yellow cups with red line encircle the center, above petite iris-like foliage



    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    In summer large yellow cups with red line encircle the center, above petite iris-like foliage.

    Size: 6-12” x 9-12”
    Care: sun in moist well-drained soil
    Native: Argentina’s central & southern cordilleras

    Described in 1881.

  • Solidago graminifolia Grass-leaved goldenrod Z 3-9

    Golden flat-topped inflorescences August to October, loved by butterflies for its nectar.



    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Golden flat-topped inflorescences August to October, loved by butterflies for its nectar.

    Size: 2-3' x 1-2'
    Care: sun in moist to moist well-drained soil, Deer resistant.
    Native: Nova Scotia across Canada, S. to FL., Wisconsin native
    Wildlife Value: loved by many butterflies for its nectar – Small copper, Monarch,Giant swallowtail, Gray hairstreak, Clouded Sulphur, Fritillary, Pearl crescent, & Cloudless sulphur. Attracts praying mantises; Deer resistant.

    The name Solidago from solidus and ago meaning to “bring together.” Gramnifolia  means “grass-leaved.”  Since 1750’s.