
Showing 769–776 of 785 results

  • Veronica officinalis Common speedwell Z 3-7

    Mat-forming perennial with spikes of blue flowers with darker blue stripes on the petals, May-August




    Mat-forming perennial with spikes of blue flowers with darker blue stripes on the petals, May-August

    Size: 4-12” x 6”
    Care: sun in dry, well-drained soil
    Native: Europe and Asia
    Wildlife Value: attracts bees

    Used in European traditional medicine as a cough remedy and tonic as well as a salve. Used for centuries as a cure-all medicinal as long ago as ancient Rome.  Grown at America’s 1st botanic garden, Elgin Botanic Garden 1811.

  • Veronica oltensis Turkish-leaf speedwell, Thyme-leaf speedwell Z 4-9

    Tiny azure flowers smother the ground in spring-early summer on this groundcover or rock garden plant, or grow in walkway crevices.




    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Tiny azure flowers smother the ground in spring-early summer on this groundcover or rock garden plant, or grow in walkway crevices.

    Size: 1" x 24" slow spreader
    Care: sun to part shade in well-drained soil
    Native: Mountain valleys of Oltu and Coruh inTurkey.

    Described in literature in 1914.

  • Veronica porphyriana Bird’s-eye speedwell Z 3-8

    June – September (WOW!) short blue-purple, more blue than purple, spikes of compact flowers bloom on short, slowly creeping mat of sword-shaped foliage that suppresses weeds.



    June – September (WOW!) short blue-purple, more blue than purple, spikes of compact flowers bloom on short, slowly creeping mat of sword-shaped foliage that suppresses weeds.

    Size: 6-8” x 12”
    Care: sun to part shade in well-drained soil
    Native: Siberia, Mongolia & Kazakhstan
    Wildlife Value: attracts pollinators. Drought tolerant; deer and rabbit resistant

    According to Christian tradition, as Jesus carried the cross to Calvary, a woman wiped his face with her handkerchief, leaving the imprint of the features of his face, the vera iconica, meaning “true likeness.”  When the Catholic Church canonized the woman, the Church gave her the name Saint Veronica.  Medieval gardeners named a different Veronica after her due to the perceived likeness of the flower to her handkerchief. Collected by 1950 Russian botanist  Nikolái Pávlov  (1893-1971) described and named this in Vestn. Akad. Nauk Kazakhsk. S.S.R v.4 p. 92 (Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR) in 1951. Kazakh is the name of the language of people of Central Asia inhabiting mainly Kazakhstan which became independent of Russia in 1991.

  • Veronica prostrata syn. V. rupestris Sprawling speedwell, Harebell speedwelll Z 4-8

    From midspring to midsummer short blue spikes above prostrate foliage.



    From midspring to midsummer short blue spikes above prostrate foliage.

    Size: 6” x 18”spreads
    Care: sun to part shade in moist well-drained soil.
    Native: Europe
    Wildlife Value: Deer and rabbit resistant.
    Awards: Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.

    In gardens since at least 1753 (Linnaeus). Bloomed for 4 or more months in rock garden at Edinburgh Botanic Garden (The Garden, Jan. 1876.)

  • Veronica repens Creeping speedwell Z 5-9

    Palest of blue blooms in spring



    Palest of blue blooms in spring on this low, creeping groundcover.

    Size: 2” x 8-12”
    Care: full sun to part shade in moist to moist well-drained soil
    Native: Corsica

    According to Christian tradition, as Jesus carried the cross to Calvary a woman wiped his face with her handkerchief, leaving the imprint of Christ’s features, the vera iconica, meaning “the true likeness.”  When the Catholic Church canonized the woman the Church named her Saint Veronica.  Medieval gardeners named the plant after her due to a perceived likeness of the flower to her handkerchief.  This species collected by 1800.  According to William Robinson, father of the mixed perennial garden, Veronica repens “clothes the soil with a soft carpet of bright green foliage, covered in spring with pale bluish flowers.”

  • Veronica spicata Speedwell Z 4-8

    Erect crowd of bluish-purple star-shaped flowers cover terminal spikes all summer growing high above basil foliage. If deadheaded blooms all summer.



    Erect crowd of bluish-purple star-shaped flowers cover terminal spikes all summer growing high above basil foliage. If deadheaded blooms all summer.

    Size: 24" x 18-24"
    Care: Sun in well-drained soil
    Native: Hilly pastures in Europe and North Asia
    Wildlife Value: attracts butterflies

    According to Christian tradition, as Jesus carried the cross to Calvary a woman wiped his face with her handkerchief, leaving the imprint of Christ’s features, the vera iconica, meaning “the true likeness.”  When the Catholic Church canonized the woman, the Church gave her the name Saint Veronica.  Medieval gardeners named this plant after her due to a perceived likeness of the flower to her handkerchief.  Veronicas have been in cultivation since at least Medieval times.  Europeans made tea from V. spicata. This was planted in a symmetrical garden at Versailles.

  • Veronicastrum virginianum, Culver’s root Z 4-9

    Tall, graceful ivory spires made of multitudes of small tubes crowd along the stem, arranged like a candelabra.  This flowers from early to mid-summer.



    Tall, graceful ivory spires made of multitudes of small tubes crowd along the stem, arranged like a candelabra.  This flowers from early to mid-summer.

    Size: 4' x 18"
    Care: full sun to part shade in moist soil
    Native: From Canada to Texas, Wisconsin native
    Wildlife Value: Numerous bee species, including the Rusty patched Bumble Bee, wasps, and butterflies collect pollen and drink the nectar.

    Used by American Indians as a laxative and to induce vomiting and clean blood.  Cherokee cured typhus and inactive livers with Culver’s root. Seneca Indians used the root in their ceremonies. Sioux also used this to stimulate the liver. They also burned the root for the smoke to purify those who had contact with a dead family member. 1st collected by Rev. John Banister (1649-1692) who moved to colonial Virginia in 1678.  A gunman mistakenly shot and killed him while he collected plants.   Colonial Puritan Cotton Mather unsuccessfully attempted to use this plant to cure his daughter’s tuberculosis in 1716.  Colonial nurseryman John Bartram (1699-177) recorded medicinal uses saying, “One Handful of the Roots of this Plant, boiled in a Pint of Milk, and drank, is used by the back Inhabitants for a powerful Vomit.” Pressed specimen in Emily Dickinson’s herbarium.

  • Viola corsica Corsican violet Z 4-8

    Rare species violet. Clouds of blue violets with veined heart leading to tiny yellow centers



    Note: This is a plant not currently for sale.  This is an archive page preserved for informational use.

    Rare species violet. Clouds of blue violets with veined heart leading to tiny yellow centers from late spring thru fall-blooms its head off. Reliably perennial. More heat tolerant than pansies.

    Size: 5-7” x 8-10”
    Care: sun to part shade in moist well-drained soil.
    Native: Corsica

    1st described by Swedish botanist Carl Fredrik Nyman before 1893.